BND: Biochemical Names Database

BND is a database of synonyms for the names of small molecules of biochemical interest.

(July 19, 2002) Version 1.2 of BND has been posted. It corrects a problem in issuing serial numbers for data and the datum_source/2 facts for newly incorporated which rose in producing version 1.1.

Please discard version 1.1 of BND and use version 1.2 instead! Toni's really sorry about this --- she was too excited too late in the evening.

(June 8, 2002) Version 1.1 of BND has been posted (and removed July 19, 2002: see above). It:

    1. incorporates several more ambiguous terms;
    2. changes the format of the ambiguous_term/2 fact slightly;
    3. adds some common abbreviations for compounds
    4. which are ambiguous (


     Glu is both L-glutamate and D-glucose!); and
  1. adds ASCII character codes for upper and lower case letters.

(May 6, 2002) Version 1.0 of BND includes a number of synonyms for terms in END, the Enzyme Nomenclature Database; from UM-BBD; and from Klotho, a database of compound rules and structures. Not all of the terms in BND have been confirmed synonymous by generation of structures, so use these at your own risk.

You may download tar files containing all the data.

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