The nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) serves as a critical coenzyme ubiquitous in all living cells. This dinucleotide comprises an initial nucleotide, with adenosine as its nucleobase, bound to a second nucleotide featuring nicotinamide as its base. NAD exists in both an oxidized state, denoted as NAD+, and a reduced state, indicated as NADH.

Functionally, NAD operates as an electron carrier in various oxidation-reduction reactions within cellular metabolism, with NAD+ acting as an oxidant and NADH as a reductant. Moreover, NAD plays a significant role in specific cellular processes, including post-translational modifications, such as ADP-ribosylation, of newly synthesized proteins. Given the pivotal cellular functions, enzymes implicated in NAD metabolism have garnered considerable attention in pharmaceutical research.

In vivo, NAD can be synthesized from tryptophan and aspartate, two proteinogenic amino acids, along with vitamin B3 (niacin). Similar compounds are released through reactions that degrade the NAD structure; however, these compounds are typically reclaimed through salvage pathways, ensuring their recycling into their active form. Additionally, a fraction of NAD is converted into nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP), a closely related coenzyme that serves a substantially distinct metabolic role.

While the + sign in NAD+ denotes the formal electric charge of the nitrogen heteroatom in nicotinamide, which vanishes in NADH, NAD+ is an anion with a charge of -1 at physiological pH, while NADH is a dianion with a charge of -2. Understanding the intricate biochemistry of NAD and its related forms is imperative for comprehending its fundamental role in cellular energy metabolism and redox reactions.

MBS169272 | NAD+/NADH Assay Kit
MBS545750 | NAD-Trihydrate
MBS565703 | NAD+ (SIRT Substrate)
MBS657857 | beta-NAD, Oxidized (Beta-NAD, Oxidized Form Beta-Nicotinamide-Adenine Dinucleotide, Oxidized Form (Beta NAD))
MBS682128 | Yeast Isocitrate Dehydrogenase (NAD+) (rICDH(NAD))
MBS682131 | Yeast Isocitrate Dehydrogenase (NAD+) (rICDH(NAD))
MBS682146 | Yeast Isocitrate Dehydrogenase (NAD+) (rICDH(NAD))
MBS842966 | NAD+, Free acid
MBS845683 | Thio-NAD
MBS2033614 | Recombinant NAD Kinase (NADK)
MBS6006966 | NADSYN1 (Glutamine-dependent NAD(+) Synthetase, NAD(+) Synthase [Glutamine-hydrolyzing], NAD(+) Synthetase 1, FLJ10631, FLJ36703, FLJ40627)
MBS385776 | NAD+
MBS3604918 | Cozymasei (NAD+)
MBS6132478 | NADSYN1 (Glutamine-dependent NAD(+) Synthetase, NAD(+) Synthase [Glutamine-hydrolyzing], NAD(+) Synthetase 1, FLJ10631, FLJ36703, FLJ40627) (AP)
MBS6137781 | NADSYN1 (Glutamine-dependent NAD(+) Synthetase, NAD(+) Synthase [Glutamine-hydrolyzing], NAD(+) Synthetase 1, FLJ10631, FLJ36703, FLJ40627) APC
MBS6143084 | NADSYN1 (Glutamine-dependent NAD(+) Synthetase, NAD(+) Synthase [Glutamine-hydrolyzing], NAD(+) Synthetase 1, FLJ10631, FLJ36703, FLJ40627) (Biotin)
MBS6153690 | NADSYN1 (Glutamine-dependent NAD(+) Synthetase, NAD(+) Synthase [Glutamine-hydrolyzing], NAD(+) Synthetase 1, FLJ10631, FLJ36703, FLJ40627) (HRP)
MBS6158993 | NADSYN1 (Glutamine-dependent NAD(+) Synthetase, NAD(+) Synthase [Glutamine-hydrolyzing], NAD(+) Synthetase 1, FLJ10631, FLJ36703, FLJ40627) (PE)
MBS6191341 | NADSYN1 (Glutamine-dependent NAD(+) Synthetase, NAD(+) Synthase [Glutamine-hydrolyzing], NAD(+) Synthetase 1, FLJ10631, FLJ36703, FLJ40627) (MaxLight 405)
MBS6234041 | NADSYN1 (Glutamine-dependent NAD(+) Synthetase, NAD(+) Synthase [Glutamine-hydrolyzing], NAD(+) Synthetase 1, FLJ10631, FLJ36703, FLJ40627) (MaxLight 750)

NAD acts as a critical mediator in various enzymatic reactions, participating in fundamental processes such as glycolysis, the tricarboxylic acid cycle, and oxidative phosphorylation. Its dualistic functionality as both an oxidizing and reducing agent is pivotal for maintaining cellular redox homeostasis and energy production.

The NAD/NADH redox couple serves as a crucial regulator of cellular energy metabolism, facilitating the transfer of electrons during catabolic and anabolic processes. The interconversion between NAD and NADH allows for the controlled transfer of hydride ions and electrons, enabling the synthesis of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) through oxidative phosphorylation. Additionally, NAD functions as a co-substrate for various dehydrogenases, aiding in the catalysis of essential metabolic reactions, such as the oxidation of alcohols, aldehydes, and acids.

Furthermore, the NAD-dependent signaling pathways play a pivotal role in regulating various physiological processes, including DNA repair, gene expression, and cell survival. NAD-dependent enzymes, such as poly(ADP-ribose) polymerases (PARPs) and sirtuins, are involved in crucial cellular functions, including DNA repair, chromatin remodeling, and stress response pathways. Moreover, NAD-mediated signaling has emerged as a potential therapeutic target for various age-related diseases, including neurodegenerative disorders and metabolic syndromes.

Understanding the intricate interplay of NAD and its associated metabolic pathways is essential for elucidating its broader implications in health and disease. Ongoing research continues to unravel the intricate regulatory mechanisms governed by NAD, underscoring its significance in maintaining cellular homeostasis and overall organismal health.

Critical Mediator in Cellular Metabolism:

NAD acts as a critical mediator in various enzymatic reactions, participating in fundamental processes such as glycolysis, the tricarboxylic acid cycle, and oxidative phosphorylation. Its dualistic functionality as both an oxidizing and reducing agent is pivotal for maintaining cellular redox homeostasis and energy production.

Role in Energy Metabolism:

The NAD/NADH redox couple serves as a crucial regulator of cellular energy metabolism, facilitating the transfer of electrons during catabolic and anabolic processes. The interconversion between NAD and NADH allows for the controlled transfer of hydride ions and electrons, enabling the synthesis of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) through oxidative phosphorylation. Additionally, NAD functions as a co-substrate for various dehydrogenases, aiding in the catalysis of essential metabolic reactions, such as the oxidation of alcohols, aldehydes, and acids.

Regulation of Physiological Processes:

Furthermore, the NAD-dependent signaling pathways play a pivotal role in regulating various physiological processes, including DNA repair, gene expression, and cell survival. NAD-dependent enzymes, such as poly(ADP-ribose) polymerases (PARPs) and sirtuins, are involved in crucial cellular functions, including DNA repair, chromatin remodeling, and stress response pathways. Moreover, NAD-mediated signaling has emerged as a potential therapeutic target for various age-related diseases, including neurodegenerative disorders and metabolic syndromes.

Ongoing Research and Implications:

Understanding the intricate interplay of NAD and its associated metabolic pathways is essential for elucidating its broader implications in health and disease. Ongoing research continues to unravel the intricate regulatory mechanisms governed by NAD, underscoring its significance in maintaining cellular homeostasis and overall organismal health.